Our popular 10-slide, one hour session (30-minutes content, 30-minutes Q&A and business-specific context) is designed as a rapid educational session to be conducted around the Boardroom table for Board members, Audit and Risk Committee members and senior C-Suite Executives with limited knowledge of technology and cyber risk management experience. We also deliver this course as a remote webinar.
The session can be customised to address specific risks or cyber events that the company has experienced or believes are a particular threat and extended for deeper Q&A and exploration of specific company cyber-related issues.
Cyber Partners has conducted this session in excess of 100-times around boardroom tables and online. It’s tried and trusted to get directors and executives up to speed on what they need to know in order to manage cyber risk and understand how to build cyber resilience in their businesses.
What’s in the Session?
1.Risk – what is cyber risk and why is it a material risk to your business?
2.Law – Local and international Data Breach Notification Laws and your responsibilities.
3.Technology – basic Information Security Principals and Defence in Depth.
4.Culture – why personal digital behaviour affects business risk.
5.Safety – why cyber security drives improved OHS outcomes
6.Policy – why good cyber security starts with good policy
7.Improvement – how a cyber improvement program is structured, what it should deliver and how its impact should be measured.
8.Reporting – where to get relevant data, what constitutes ROI and what does best practice Board/Risk Management Dashboard reports look like.
9.Governance – ongoing questions to ask to ensure cyber risk is managed.
10.Action Planning – planning your cyber risk management response.
Contact us about this course or book a session using the buttons below on this page.